Friday 29 April 2011


Let me run away for a month or two... somewhere where nobody will find me and my only worries will be if i have enough tanning lotion with me or if i need to buy more.
A month of complete and utter pampering and carefree spirit.
a place where my mobile wont work and there r no phones allowed in the hotel.
Where nobody can contact me and i contact nobody.
I want to disconnect from this all.

Thursday 28 April 2011

one wish.

An exam that's just a few weeks away, a wedding that's i dunno how far away and a libido that keeps increasing.
Im so angry and frustrated but can i be blamed?
I dunno what to do anymore! if im not studying i feel guilty, and when i feel guilty all i want to do is just forget!
I cant wait till its June already. i can't wait till its 2012... i cant wait till i wake up and all im looking forwards to is kissing my fiance goodmorning.
Im tired of being stressed out all the time, im tired of feeling like death might actually be a blessing. im tired of feeling like this life is not worth the hassle.
if i had a wish right now, i'd wish i were 6 in a huge green field with daisies all around. i'd be wearing a white cotton dress, and be barefoot... and i'd run, i'd run like my life depended on it, it run against the wind. i'd run and only stop when id feel i couldnt run anymore. Once that happened, i would lie on the grass and look at the sky. Try to make out faces and objects from the clouds that pass by...

If i had one wish, i'd wish to be free and without worries.

if i had just one wish, i'd wish to be happy and feel immortal.

if i had just one wish...

Monday 25 April 2011

whining away...

i've been sitting in my tiny living room watching tv and browsing the net, not really doing either of them, wondering how i've come to be where i am today.
for the past two days i've been angry, a deep seeded anger that somehow has been building up for days, weeks, months even... maybe more. I've been so angry i didnt know who to pick a fight with. I just got sick and tired of worrying that i might hurt this person's feelings or that. im sick and tired of always being considered the good and sympathetic person, the person that will forgive u no matter what. It's supposed to be a good quality but apparently people just see it as a weakness. im tired of being seen as weak. i want to show them just how strong i can be. And yet, since nobody has done anything, i have no oportunity to show anyone just how strong i am. All i have is this dark, thick anger that's building up.
I might get three phone calls in one day all of which are people who called just to complain about a certain somthing in their life. i know, if u look back i'm doing pretty much the same thing, complaining, complaining, complaining... but i'm throwing it out there to the world. and most of the time, the world doesnt really care or read anything.
My family and friends all think i can do things, that i can get over difficult situations cuz (in those instances, when im in a hard place or going thru something) those instances i am strong. i can do it all by myself. And they r right, i CAN. But i dont want to, i want to sit back and have someone help me thru it. Why cant someone just ask me how i am and offer to help?
maybe its too much to ask, after all its a "dog eat dog" world.

Today i feel alone but not lonely, angry, disappointed and frustrated...
Today i am unhappy.

Cant wait to wake up tomorrow and have this be just a far off memory.

Friday 8 April 2011

Insomnia 2

Oh God i can't sleep!!! and tomorrow (or should i say later today) i have a morning clinic and a presentation in the afternoon! i want to cry... let me cry...


I can't sleep. i wonder if it's the cappuccino i had earlier today or if it's the answer i got from my fiance? maybe it's a bit of both. Maybe it's neither.
I'm lying in bed listening to my cat purr and playing with this silly application on facebook. Dont know if you've ever come across it, the one where you vote if a person is "sexy", or "cute", or whatever. I've been on it for over an hour and i wonder, is it because i feel my self esteem has plumeteth to the ground that i need complete strangers (and possible perverts) to vote for me? does the fact that i get voted "Sexy" by a complete nobody really boost my selfesteem or is it me looking for something i am missing at the moment?
I'm lost, i have so many questions passing through my mind and not enough answers to satisfy me.
Maybe that's simply because they are "my" answers, and all i want, all i ever wanted was "his" answers.
This brings me a flashback to when i was younger and i would ask my mother if she loved me, and she wouldnt say she did, she'd simply say, "what a stupid question" but knowing that she loved me wasn't enough, i just wanted to hear the words...

i just want to hear the words...

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Zeus' UTI

Hello everyone!
Last wednesday my sister (who stayed with me for a week) left. The next day i cleaned my sweet Zeussi's litter box and went on doing what i was supposed to do. Friday comes and goes and then comes Sat. Zeus wasnt greeting me at the door when i came back from an outing and was keeping to himself. I thought it all had to do with my sister leaving so i didnt give it much of a thought until on Sat, as i was sitting on my bed i noticed my poor Zeus enter his litterbox about 2-3 times. At first i thought it must have been very dirty and he was unhappy with it. So i removed the cover and that's when i noticed that the litter was clean! i looked around to check if he went anywhere else in the house but i couldnt find anything. That's when i started to freak out! i examined him trying to feel for any distended bladder, i went on line only to get even more frightened! what they wrote was not good at all! So as a last resort i called up my vet in my old town. "Dr.Nebojsa! Zeus isnt passing much urine!!! what can i do?!?!?!" "Take him to the vet immediately!" i felt my knees go weak! the last thing i wanted to here was that it actually was serious! "but i examined him and his bladder isnt distended" that's when he told me that i shouldn;t worry but that if he still didnt pass urine by next day i should take him to a vet. The reason why i was hesitant was, i dont know the vets in this town. And the one i do know, my vet had visited it and wasnt too happy with the place. a few minutes pass and my mind starts to work full throttle. "What if..." i dont even dare to think about it too much. All i knew then was, i need to go to a vet ASAP! That's when i took him to vet No.1. He was checked (and im glad to say my examination was right, his bladder wasnt distended) and he did a urinalysis for him... My poor baby had UTI (urinary tract infection) he had pus cells, red blood cells and casts in his urine and while normal urine's ph should be around 6, his was 8!!! he got his first shot and then was given antibiotics to take home orally...
Long story short... i couldnt give him the oral antibiotics, the vet didnt reply to my calls and there was only so much my old vet could do for me... That's when i started to panic, and started to think how this was all my fault for moving away from my home town!
I messaged my friends and colleagues hoping someone knew another vet and thank God i found my current vet!
Today was his third shot. Thank God he is more active, more talkative (oh how i love it when he talks!) and he is peeing more!!! i never thought i'd be soooo happy to see my cat pee!!!
I wrote this for all pet owners out there. If u think there is something wrong with ur pets then chances are there is. Dont wait too long, take them to ur vet. What's the worse that could happen? the vet tells u he/she is fine? isnt that better than the alternative???

I love my cat to infinity and beyond! and i just hope that this blog might help...

Friday 1 April 2011

Moving out!

Im moving out soon. Cant wait! my new place has got big windows and so much light comes in!!! i'm excited and i'm a little overwhelmed! i hate the "moving" part, but i love the settling in part!!!
Unfortunately since i live in a very conservative country i cant have my finace visit me. So, until i get married i'll have to be content with visiting him.
Im excited about the cleaning aspect of the moving to a new place. The apt. is pretty clean since its new but there's dust everywhere and a good polish wouldnt hurt the place. I already imagined where most things will go. I have my bedroom but i need to buy the sitting room and kitchen utensils.
This will be the apt i'll share with my finace in the not too far future God willing. It feels a little surreal. I also wish he were here to help me buy some of the furniture.
Lucky him, he gets to move into an already fixed apt!!!!

Oh i forgot to mention! the best part about the apt. is that there's this small storage room that will be perfect to put Zeus' litter box and food!!! it's amazing! i really cant wait to move out!!